Trier, 1 January 1900
Time of the day: 11:30
Weather : 23 grad , sonnig
Duration of silence (seconds): 00:00:26
Cash in the pocket (local currency): 26
Cooperation with other group: Yes / Yes in democracy
...benefit from the free market
Not at all
Very much
...sense of solidarity
Not at all
Very much
Who is interested in politics?
Who is interested in politics?
Who has had a physical conflict in the past four years?
Who has ever felt uncomfortable with their national origin?
Who is in a club or organisation?
Who has already worked for money?
Who has lived in another country for a longer period of time?
Who would rather be called European than be defined by their national origin?
Who is afraid of the future?
Who believes that the questions here at the table are answered honestly by most?
Is there a political goal that you would achieve by force?
0% Yes
| 100% No
Support or punish violence for specific political goals?
20% Yes
| 80% No
Should everyone at the table be shown who they have received minus points from?
0% Yes
| 100% No
Applause too?
60% Yes
| 40% No
Team with the most points:
20% Yes
| 60% No